Текущая версия Minecraft: 1.7.2
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Total entries in catalog: 62
Shown entries: 41-50
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Mutant Creatures Mod

This is a very neat mod that adds a whole new dynamic to mobs in Minecraft. It allows for rare but random spawns of mutated mobs. To spawn one manually this mod also adds a new potion, Chemical X, which when thrown at a mob will either mutate or kill it.

Chat Bubbles

Chat Bubbles displays Minecraft chat in a bubble above player heads making it perfect for big multiplayer servers where the chat moves too quickly to read.


TooManyItems is an incredibly useful in-game inventory management mod with many additional features. Once you have installed TooManyItems you can access it by opening your inventory.


LotsOMobs adds more than 25 new mobs to Minecraft including birds, fish, lions, mammoths, snakes and even dinosaurs. As well as making the Minecraft world much more interesting to explore, many of the mobs have unique drops, for example deer fur can be used to create armour.


Millenaire is a very complete mod that adds randomly generated NPC villages to Minecraft. The villages are much more complex and varied than the default Minecraft NPC villages and provide more interesting gameplay.

Furniture Mod

Mr_Crayfish’s Furniture Mod adds more than 30 pieces of furniture to Minecraft that can be used to decorate your home and garden.

Project Bench Mod

The Project Bench mod makes complex recipes less time consuming and much easier to create. It adds storage to ordinary crafting benches that allows you to place items necessary for a recipe into it and pulls as many items as you want so long as you have it stocked.

Herobrine Mod

For those of you who know the Minecraft myth of Herobrine, this mod is perfect for you. It adds a whole new level of fear in the game. Herobrine will either spawn randomly in the world, or you can summon him using a totem.

First you need to make a special Herobrine totem block using bones and soulsand.

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